Monday, July 9, 2007

Atyllah on "Talking about inspiration..."

Copyright 2007 Absolute Vanilla

Talking about inspiration...

No, no, let me talk about inspiration - you've done quite enough quasi creative-meaning of life-wittering for the past few days. Shove over. You remember the deal - your blog, but I get a chance to butt in.

Oh, what, like you haven't already done enough butting in?

You got a problem?

Me? Do I dare?

I wouldn't if I were you...

Okay, this is Atyllah posting - so pay attention!

As some of you may well be aware, prior to my departure from Planet Earth I was involved in a campaign to save some trees - very old trees many of them - oaks of various species, eucalypts, pines, poplars, willows... (did I ever mention that some of my bestest friends are trees?) - and not only that, I was trying, though the Corncob alone knows why, to save the shaded recreational space of the Mugger City - the place where my spacepod crash landed - damned thing. Since my actions came to the notice of the Draconians, nasty reptilian aliens who humans refuse to believe have infiltrated Earth, it became necessary for me to adopt a low profile and hand over matters to those in a better position to actually do something about trees and related schtuff. (And the Corncob knows, there is a bundle of related schtuff - enough to give any local politician damp dreams...)

However, talking of inspiration and thinking of trees and the various characters who popped up on the stage, I'm thinking of penning my own little parody... See, you just never know what sort of fodder can be turned into a tale...

At the moment I'm putting together the cast of characters...

The Evil Ones:
Brat Meerkat - an Evil Overseer
The Idiot Bluster Von Hot Aire - an infamous bottomist
Ding Dong Bell - oh yeah, that cat should really be in a well...

The Good Guys - mostly:
The Four Immortals - a group of brave and brilliant minds (and yes, I know in the feng shui folk say there are only three)
YT - aka Yours Truly - Atyllah the Hen, chicken with über-attitude
The Tree Doctor - a passionate human intent on saving the trees come bellowing Hot Aire or Draconians
Raving Rob Treebeard - he means well (I think...) but constantly forgets to take his medication...

The assorted and self appointed egos of several causes:
Wily Coyote - a supposed leader, who wouldn't know a lead if it strangled him
Dumcluck McPhuck - a Novapulsian meddler or the worst kind
The Ugly Phuckling - Dumphuck's brother and self proclaimed legal genius
Dennis le Menace - an old fart who thinks he knows best
Queen Deen - another fart of indeterminate age and with several personal agendas.

I'm thinking of calling it "Stupid is as Stupid Does"; "The Misadventures of Trees" or; "Fuckwittage Flows where anything Grows".

Now all I need to do is work on the plot. Any ideas and further inspiration would be welcome.
(My Corncob! I don't actually believe this, I'm asking humans for assistance! What is the multiverse coming to!?!)

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