Thursday, February 28, 2008

Atyllah does the 4 x 4 x Far Meme

Sigh. No one gets it do they? I mean, tag Atyllah the Hen for a meme and you must just expect trouble. So trouble, let me tell you is brewing. Last time it was Bonnie's fault, this time it's Laquet's fault. She's tagged Atyllah for a 4 x 4 x Far meme - and I've duly passed said meme on to Ms Chicken with Attitude. Read on at your peril. Me, I've got better things to do like working on a new manuscript. It's over to the alien Chicken.

Hmph, I don't know who she thinks she's calling Alien....
Greetings Earthlings. Ba-kaaaaak! What a corny line, only humans could have come up with it... So, Laquet, you've tagged me have you, dear girl. Such a sweetie. I do love a good meme. Right, let's see what you've sent my way...

Four jobs I've held:
Meet and Greet Officer at the Intergalactic Gateway Portal
Operative for Novapulse Intelligence
Secret Agent to the High Command Division of the Allied Federation of Intergalactic Associations reporting to Uber Agent the Grand High Cluck
Principal Co-Ordinator of Deep Dialogue of the Allied Federation of Intergalactic Associations

Four movies I've watched over and over again:
Crouching Turkey, Hidden Chicken
Chicken Run
Chicken Little
Cow and Chicken

Four places I've been:
Alpha Draconis

Four places I've lived:
South Africa

Four TV shows I watch:
Chicken Trek
Universal Trekker
As Chickens Go By

Four radio shows I listen to:
I don't listen to radio shows. Radios are so primitive that in Novapulse the only place you'll find them is in The Museum of Ancient Artefacts. If we want entertainment of that nature, we tap into each other's thoughts.

Four things I look forward to:
Granny Were's Mopani Worm and Garlic Casserole
Memes from you lot
Channelings from dear Aunt Aggie
Debates with Agent Double Cluck

Four favourite foods:
Granny Were's Mopani Worm and Garlic Casserole
Corn Fritters
Olive oil and garlic

Four places I'd rather be:
At a spa on Andromeda
Strolling on the beach of Arcturis' third moon
In front of the galactic vision screen so I can chuckle again and again at the antics of humanity, especially that really funny human called George
On a deep space mission

Four people I e-mail regularly:
Novapulsian chickens do not need email. We're telepathic.

Right, now, I see I'm suppose to tag four of you. But I tag ALL OF YOU! Yes, that's right, your eyes haven't gone squiffy, you're all tagged because if I take the title of this meme, 4 x 4 x Far - that puts every one of you on the tag list. So, what are you waiting for, get meming!

I'd say try not to do anything silly until we next meet, but I know you can't help yourselves. So over and out until next time.

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