Saturday, October 18, 2008

Power failures, scams and photos

"Painted" poppy heart

NOTE: I'm reposting this blogpost since a glitch has appeared in the works. Seems anyone viewing the post with Internet Explorer finds no place to leave comments and all of the sidebar down below the blog. Of course, this just makes my point that Firefox is so much better... I'm hoping that having reposted, things will now appear "normal" to IE users. Please let me know if it's still showing up "funny". Send me an email - the email addy is on the profile page.

Whew, what a week. And it appears to be ending as “entertainingly” as it started. On Wednesday night at about 7pm the power went out. It didn’t come back until 22 ½ hours later (some or other high tension cable had decided, after years of service, to die). It wouldn’t have been so bad if a) D hadn’t been away on business and b) the back up battery on the security system hadn’t given up the ghost after seven hours. Home alone and with no security in sunny SA is so not my idea of fun. As it is, my bougainvillea is only just starting to show signs of recovery after someone tried to hop over the wall five months ago. Needless to say I didn’t sleep a wink and then spent the rest of the day roaming around the house like a caged tiger in the hunting season. I couldn’t go out because I couldn’t get the garage door to open – I’m not that big and it is huge and heavy. Still, it was a good excuse to put everything aside and bury my nose in a book. The only thing was the book was about a world in the future where one lot of people had escaped the confines of highly controlled cities to live in the wild. So there I sat pondering how well equipped we’d be to live without all the things we simply take for granted. No electricity, no supermarkets, no cars, having to find our own food, make our own clothes. Survival of the fittest stuff, I’m guessing, and I promptly felt decidedly weak.

Then this morning (after I'd found a 419 scam breathing heavily in my inbox), I had my nose deeply buried in work – lots of catching up to do now – when my cell phone rang. The voice on the other side insisted that I had an account with a particular clothing chain which I hadn’t paid. Not only do I not have an account at said store, but I also don’t shop there. Nope, I said, you have the wrong person. The voice was insistent that I had an account and that I owed her money. She simply wouldn’t take no for an answer. It then transpired that she appeared to have my date of birth. Happily she wasn’t managing too well with my surname, most here don’t. She gave me my address, it was an old one, and when I said, no, sorry, I don’t live there and actually you’re wasting your time and mine, she insisted she had my identity number and would I please confirm it. Rest assured that by now not only was I smelling a rat, but it was a large rat that was rapidly decomposing. Nope, I said, not confirming the number for you, and if you think I am, you’ve got another thing coming. Strange, she then threw down the phone. Needless to say when I called the chain store’s head office, they’d never heard of me and had no record of my ever having had an account with them

You know, some days I really just feel like biting someone!

But I didn’t. Instead I finished what I was doing and then trotted into the digital darkroom to make these for you.

"Unpainted" poppy heart

Heart of a poppy

"Painted" poppies en masse

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