Friday, December 12, 2008

Gratitude Meme

Karen over at Border Town Notes tagged me for a thankfulness meme the other day – I think it was actually a thanksgiving meme, but across the blogosphere it seems to have morphed into different forms, yet all about the things and experiences we are thankful and grateful for in our lives. I think one is supposed to list seven “thankfulnesses” and then tag x number of people. We-ell, I think I’ll just run with this and see how it turns out. As for tagging, feel free to do this one yourself if you want, I know a lot of you have already done it.

I am thankful for the illness and near death experiences I have had in my life – they have taught me so much, given me insight, wisdom and awareness – and they have wiped away so much fear.

I am thankful for the abuse I’ve experienced in my life because it has shaped me, taught me and helped me to become the person I am today – and I like me, a lot.

I am thankful for two special furry angels who came into my life when I needed them most and taught me the meaning of love, particularly unconditional love.

My Golden Angels, always with me, yet resting in peace

I am thankful for the special human angels who have come into my life at times when I’ve needed them most.

I am thankful to my most wonderful, loving and caring husband, who knows how to love me, support me, give me space – and who is also my very best friend.

I am thankful for my talents, my creativity, my intellect and a good brain.

Two of my abstract "dabblings"...
above Tempus Fugit, below, Sublime Cosmic Fusion

I am thankful for the opportunities I've had to travel and live in other parts of the world, those experiences have shaped me and helped me grow. They've taught me that we are far more alike than we are different.

I am thankful for all that I have materially, for the food on my plate, the clothes in my wardrobe, my home, my garden and my little treasures.

A corner of my garden

I am thankful for the beauty and majesty that surrounds me – and I am thankful too for all that is not beautiful, for I learn from that and it informs me and helps me grow as a person.

My little corner of the world, for now, anyway...

I am thankful for all the unseen forces and angels who are constantly with me, who have guided, strengthened and saved me.

I am thankful for my intuition, my instincts, my awareness and my inner wisdom which help me walk every step of the way.

And I am thankful to you, my dear blog readers, who visit with me, share your views, teach me, support and embrace me. Being with you is like traveling; I learn, I grow and I know, more than ever, that we are all connected, all far more alike than we are different. Yet our differences create colour and interest and mutual respect. Thank you.

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