Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Guinea Fowl Chronicles: Here we go - AGAIN!!!

Ms Bo - whaddayamean, there are no more worms?!

I had nothing to do with it this time, honest, I didn’t. I was playing in the digital darkroom when I heard the garage door swing open. I expected D to come walking in but when he didn’t, I went out to investigate.
What greeted me was the sight of D standing in the driveway, his hands in his hair, muttering.
“They followed me in, I couldn’t stop them.” His words were accompanied by lots of small meeping sounds.
“They were waiting for me,” he said, shaking his head, “I swear they were. I opened the gate, drove in and as I was about to close the gate, there they all were, walking in.”
“Open the gate again,” I said, “And let’s see if they’ll all walk out.”
D opened the gate. Mama Guinea gave him a long look, peered out into the road, turned tail and headed up the driveway, trailed by peeps.
Well, what can I say, we have fluffball blessings again. 13 of them when they arrived but I’m not going to try and keep count this time, it’s just too stressful.
They are tiny, smaller, I swear, than when Bo and her family first arrived back in October, and some are still quite wobbly on their little pins.
So here we go again – exit a neat and tidy garden, enter loads of pooh and scratched up soil all over the paving. Goodbye garden service, hello stress and mayhem. Ho and hum.
And for those of you cooing and laughing right now, I say “humph!” - may the bluebird of happiness fly overhead and do just what flying bluebirds do. I swear if I could but find the sign that says, “Guinea Fowl Sanctuary and Orphanage – All Welcome”, I’d pull it down. I’d put up one that says, “Inn Full, innkeepers knackered – try next door”.
Bo is beside herself with all the new life – behaving like a maiden aunt on speed. Who knows where it will all end. At least I can say, by way of an update on Missy Bo, that she’s growing, her wings are getting stronger and she’s pigging out on D’s cultivar of maggots and mealworms.

I leave you with pictures to tell the rest of the story.

Small peeps arrive in the driveway...

Portrait of a Guinea keet...

Guineas find their way into the garden...

Wha'!? Oh no! Not more!

Guineas, en famille...

Ms Bo looks on

Il Madonna del giardino - Mother and Child

The Menagerie...

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