Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tagged by Tessa for a Meme of the Moment

Tessa, over at Aerial Armadillo, artist extraordinaire, tagged me with the following meme. I’m generally a bit cagey about memes like this, but hey, I decided I may as well give it a go…

What are your current obsessions?

I’m not much given to obsessions – except perhaps when I’m writing...

Which item from your wardrobe do you wear most often?

Sunglasses... Jeans, cargo pants, t-shirts, loafers or trainers

Sunglasses, Cargo pants, t's and trainers

What's for dinner?

I’ve only just got past breakfast! But tonight – probably roast chicken.

Last thing you bought?

Do the groceries count? Oh yes, that aside, accommodation in Bath and changed airline tickets.

(image courtesy of wikimedia.com)

What are you listening to?

Doves cooing and the neighbour’s dog barking.

If you were a god/goddess who would you be?

Artemis. Don’t ask, it’s a long story. And I hope to evolve into Baba Yaga – or Granny Weatherwax – though I think they’re the same sort of goddess.

Granny Weatherwax, courtesy of the cover of my very battered copy of Witches Abroad
(original illustration - Josh Kirby)

Say something to the person who tagged you:

you are a wonderful artist and even though I know you miss "home", "home" shines through your work in vivid and colourful proportions. Keep rocking!

Favourite holiday spots?

The hotel pool, Mauritius... sigh...

Kruger National Park

The London Eye and the Houses of Parliament at dusk

Reading right now?

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
The New Earth by Eckart Tolle

4 words to describe yourself.

I had to ask D to answer this one, it seemed unreasonable to do otherwise. He said: “Vibrant, witty, passionate, stylish.”
I’d have probably chosen four other words like “creative, insightful, energetic, intuitive”.

Guilty pleasure?

Computer games and hot chocolate.

Who or what makes you laugh until you’re weak?

Good satire – like Pieter Dirk Uys last Thursday night. And classic, clever British sitcom

First spring thing?

Pul-lease – it’s autumn here, all I’m seeing are golden leaves – which means I need to get out there with my camera!

Autumn comes to the Buitenverwachting vineyards

Planning to travel to next?

England (London, Bath and York) and Spain – in May/June.

Staying with a friend who lives near here...
(image nicked off the 'net)

Best thing you ate or drank lately?

Large mug of hot chocolate – my own secret recipe… Shall I share it with you…?

Flower of the moment?

St Joseph’s Lillies – always. Gerberas, tulips, bunches of multicoloured roses.

St Joseph's lilly

Favourite ever film?

Stealing Beauty

(image nicked off someone else's blog...)

Care to share some wisdom?

Everything in life is about perception.
Reality is mostly illusion.
Death is not an end but a returning to the beginning
Everything is one, sharing the same universal energy. We are, in effect, all “God”.
The glass is always half full – if you choose to see it that way.
The human ego is far too dominant, inclining us to forget our true selves.
The best thing you can ever do is to look at yourself in the mirror and say “I love you”, because if you can’t love yourself you can’t really love anyone.

And in turn I'm supposed to tag a few people - so here you go, if you'd like to do this one... and anyone else who'd like to have a go, feel free!

Jane, over at Wittering On
Baino, at Baino's Banter
Laquet at Chez Laquet
Gail at Gail at the Farm
Lane at Lane's Write

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