Sunday, May 17, 2009

BAHB! Birthday, Award, Holiday, Bo!

So, a slightly rushed post this on the eve of getting yet another year older, a tiny bit greyer and a wee bit more wrinkly... Just a couple of years off my half century and starting to feel like a serious cricket score… Of course, all this only matters if you actually believe in time – which I don’t, unless it’s to compare it with lumpy custard – but that’s another story entirely! As far as I'm concerned I'm still as much of a kid as I was at 12! Well, okay, maybe not quite 12...

So all sorts of bits and pieces in this post, given I’m off on Tuesday to more northern climes. Which means the old blog will be having a bit of a holiday - since I’ve no intention of posting while I’m away. But, that said, I will be back and hopefully with lots of piccies, including some of blogging buddies and writer friends. Yep, that will be one of the coolest parts of my trip – meeting up with old and new friends – so, so, so looking forward to it. See you soon, guys!

And then, perhaps the best news possible… Ms Bo appeared in the garden this morning – with a beau – the saucy minx. She’s grown considerably and looks like a really strong young bird – mind you with that head start of maggots and mealworms she’s had a good base to build from. She looks almost full sized now but is still very neurotic. She doesn’t seem to be part of a big group yet but appeared to be on the fringes, possibly, of the Ba-Kaaka Nostra – who were chasing her something rotten. Still, she’s been away from us for two weeks and is clearly fending just fine for herself. I’m really hoping that now she knows there is always food here, she’ll come back a little more often.

It really was so amazing to see her and we both recognized her instantly – there was just something about the bird on the lawn – and then a closer look showed us her white claws and that confirmed it. As was the fact that she took off when I called her by name. Yep, Ms Bo ain’t having anything to do with being a domesticated bird! And you know what? Good for her, I say.

And finally, to leave you with a little something while I’m away... Carol from Not Only in Thailand very kindly bestowed upon me the Kreativ Blogger award. And this time I’m going to break my rules and actually pass this one on.

The rules say I have to list seven things that I love… Only seven? That seems totally unreasonable. Oh well, here goes…

My beloved D – my very best friend and my home.
Friends, including the furry and feathered ones in the garden – they are the bubbles in the champagne of life.
Writing – even when I’m dozing I’m writing stories, non-fiction or potential blog posts in my head.
Reflecting – I’m a ponderer and a wonderer frequently considering awakening and awareness.
Photography – seeing the world through the lens of a camera is to see the world in an entirely different way. And it’s incredibly healing.
Reading – there’s an adventure in every book, irrespective of the nature of the book.
Cooking – my paternal great-grandmother was a cook, my maternal grandfather was a chef – what can I say, it’s in the blood and I find it creative, fulfilling and wholesome fun.

And this time I’m going to break my rules and actually pass this one on to some particularly creative souls:

RL Bourges of Ici, Graulhet

Lettuce of Lettuce Eating

Val of Monkeys on the Roof

Tessa of An Aerial Armadillo

Rick of Kyklops (yes, honey, you for those great photos)

Pat from Write Up the Hill

Jane of Wittering On

Baino of Baino’s Banter

Lola of Aglio, Olio & Peeroncino and,

Vesper of Chick with a Quill

So, there you go, until I see you in a few weeks time, take care, have fun, live abundantly, soar high and be blessed in all that you do.

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