Monday, August 24, 2009

Writing, rewriting and an award

So, the rewrite is complete, several edits on the rewrite have been done and now it’s ready to go back to the writing agency for another review – a more generalized one this time. I’m not sure what to expect from the experience – a part of me knows that in all likelihood there will be still more rewriting to be done – and dreads the prospect – and a part of me looks forward to perfecting the manuscript, in the hope that it will ultimately find itself a “home” – i.e. an agent and a contract.

Of course, given all things writing, recessions, trends and Lady Luck, it could be that even after all this work - and no doubt still more - the manuscript may not be accepted anywhere. What then? Who knows but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it – armed with a sharp sword with which to deal with the crocodiles. What do you mean what crocodiles? The Crocodiles. There are always crocodiles – didn’t you know?!

In the meantime I have another manuscript to work on. The first draft was completed last year but I’m well aware that the plot needs deepening and the characterization needs strengthening. I’ll probably, once more, hold the original story in my head and start from scratch. As it is, the first couple of chapters that I’ve already dabbled with are turning up in a completely new “voice” – which is proving to be both interesting and considerably more “immediate”.

But enough writery stuff – I was given an award last week by Keren David, a debut YA author, who’s first novel, When I Was Joe will be published in the UK by Frances Lincoln books in January 2010. And in time-honoured fashion, I’m suppose to a) pass on the award and b) share seven things about me.

The award is the Kreativ Blogger award and the rules are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.

Seven things about me - which you may or may not find interesting...

1. I am an “only-child”. Yep that’s right, no siblings.

2. Although I love writing for children, I’ve never been remotely inclined to have any of my own.

3. My favourite dog is the Golden Retriever.

4. I have nearly died on two completely separate occasions – makes you wonder what I’m still doing here, right…

5. I am currently researching material for a non fiction article on porcupines who live amongst some vines… the vines below, in particular.

6. Although writing is my passion, I still wonder what I’m going to be when I really grow up – if I ever grow up.

7. I’ve consumed far too much chocolate this winter.

As you know I don’t usually pass these awards on but I’ll play nicely this time…

So, the Kreativ Blogger Award goes to the following seven people (why only seven, it’s so totally unreasonable!):

Tessa at Aerial Armadillo
Lola at Aglio, Olio & Peperoncino
Val at Monkeys on the Roof
Janey at Wittering On
Mandy at Fire Byrd
Carol at Not Only in Thailand
Lori at Lori Times Five

(and no, the list isn't intentionally sexist - sorry, boys...)

And now let me attend to the squirrel who is tapping impatiently at the window for his supper.

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