Thursday, February 25, 2010

SkyWatch--Skies Over Two States

Visit the SkyWatch site to see beautiful skies from around the world.    The skies couldn't make up their minds what to do the day we hiked into Hurricane Creek Road near Joseph, Oregon. Our intention was to snowshoe up this trail into the Eagle Cap Wilderness. If we had driven to the campground, we could have started that hike. But because of conditions, we parked on a turnout much farther down the road and hiked up the road (uphill) to the campground.  By the time we got there, we were ready for a rest and to eat our lunch. We decided to make the Eagle Peak hike another time, either on the snowshoes or in the fall as a hike.
After hiking back down the road, we chained up to travel safely down to where it was plowed. When we stopped to remove the chains, we could see clear to Idaho's skies.

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