Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dining Chair Redo and A Confidence Boost

I've never recovered anything, but when we inherited these dining chairs, I knew that dated red striped fabric had to go! I purchased a fabric dropcloth from Lowe's and got started!

Here is the before.

And here is the updated after!
This project was super simple, I got all four chairs done one night when my fiance was at work.

I'm loving all the opportunities I'm getting for tackling new projects since we have got this house. I never would have thought I could recover chair cushions, but it was quick, cheap, and easy! If any of you are hesitant on trying something new, I say go for it! My philosophy during this whole process has been, "can I really make it look any worse than it did before?" haha
And if you're wondering...the answer is usually no. ;)

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