One of my favorite activities in Copenhagen is to enjoy a Danish Breakfast (lunch). This "Apoteker-anretning" (dish) to a prize of 139 dkk together with beer and "Ålborg Taffel".

I received this comment and want to add my post in accordance to this:
Hi,SORRY Carla, I normally do not comment comments, but this just had to be correct
My name is Carla and I'm writing to you about the foto with the medicine students from South America wich they are not. They are from Portugal, University of Coimbra. Unless all the students are from South America studying in Portugal...
Being a Portuguese myself, living in London, England and had studied in Coimbra I couldn't just not write to you,sorry but we Portuguese (and I think I can speak for the country) do not like to be mistaken neither for the Spanish or the South Americans, they are the cousins (way to say it). We are a small country very often mistaken all over the world for one of Spain's provinces wich we are not.
Please do not misunderstand what I'm trying to say, I've got the best of the intentions towards you and your blog which I must say I follow and I like it very much! It's inspiring,simple but brilliant! Thanks for sharing. And really, I don't care about their singing or way of life while at University, it's not about them or the nice people from Spain and South America it's about a small country with great history and humble people called Portugal.
were freaking out, but their music performance in Copenhagen´s most busy shopping district, was more than the "sound" of the Rose of Donau on accordion as we have here performed by beggars in Oslo.

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