Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I is for Inspiration in ABC Wednesday

Or maybe the title should have been "I is for The lack of Inspiration" since I could not be inspired by my own pictures to find a title that covered the subject. However - here goes:

The pictures shows two of the veterans in the local traffic of the fjords between Bergen and the northern part of the county of Hordaland, Norway. The first one is the old steamer "D/S Oster" (mentioned here before). The ship is 100 years old this year and was a mainstay in the local traffic for many years. The other one is "M/S Bruvik", built in 1949 and serves now as a sightseeing ship. Many of my childhood memories are centred around these two ships as we travelled between Bergen and our summer cottage northeast of Bergen. The pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago when the ships were on their way to a yearly local festival at Modalen. They are here shown at the end of Osterfjorden.

The ships are here entering the tide current known as Mostraumen. It is about 600 meters long and 50 - 60 meters wide at it most narrow point.

And finally they are into the more open waters of Mofjorden - thr last 6.5 km long strech before Modalen itself.

Only, I lacked the Inspiration for a good title...

Today's post is part of the the third round of ABC Wednesday. The founder, Denise Nesbitt, has changed the rules to make the system more practical. There is now a no-comment blog where you can post a copy or short version of your post with a link-back to your original post for the full version and comments. Scanning through this no-comment blog will give you more Inspirational Is! She has also set up a new site where you can log on via Mr. Linky if you want to do that.

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