Saturday, September 13, 2008

On the Hoof (KNP14)

I had, rather mistakenly, assumed I'd see plenty of "on the hoof" in the Kruger National Park - and frankly, was quite surprised at how few antelope species we did see. I had hoped to see some eland - Africa's biggest bovid - but Mr and Mrs Eland had clearly eloped and were nowhere to be found. I'd also assumed we'd see springbok - our national animal - but not a chance. I kind of hoped to see Sable or Roan antelope (very beautiful creatures) but wasn't terribly surprised that we didn't. But here are some shots of a few "on the hoof" beasts that we did see - and okay, so one is not antelope at all - but he's still hoofed and a ruminant.

Not an antelope.
One of South African's Big Five - the buffalo. Short tempered and prone to crankiness. If he eyeballs you, run.

Buffalo can weight up to 870 kgs and stand up to 165 cm tall. They're non territorial and extremely sociable - amongst themselves, that is! They live in large mixed herds but bulls past their prime leave the breeding herds and form cantankerous batchelor herds. Talk about grumpy old men...

A gnu by any other name, more commonly known as the common or Blue Wildebeest

Napping Gnus... or woozy wildebeest

The wildebeest is a large bearded antelope who many reckon looks like it was put together by a committee... The poor old wildebeest is the preferred prey of lions though it's chief predator is the spotted hyena which kills more wildebeest - fit and unfit, adults and calves - than any other predator.

Waterbuck sheltering from the midday heat

Waterbuck are from the Reedbuck tribe. It's a large, shaggy antelope with a very distinctive round circle on its backside - sort of like a target... Waterbuck, as their name suggests, stay very close to water and are active both day and night.

And now here is the real rarity, which I'd never heard of and so didn't expect to see at all...


The Nyala - mostly nocturnal and seldom sighted in the Kruger National Park, it lurks in thickets and densely wooded lowlands and only emerges at night to feed on grassland. I'm guessing we only spotted the rear end of this one because it was winter - in summer, during the hottest hours, they tend to stand motionless and almost invisible in the deep shade of trees.

Mrs Bushbuck...

...and her husband, Mr Bushbuck.

Bushbuck and Nyala are from the same tribe - Tragelaphini - along with kudu. The Bushbuck Tribe are "a close-knit group of antelope with spiral horns. They differ from all other African antelope in having a non-territorial social/mating system. Most depend on cover to avoid predators." (Source: The Safari Companion - Richard D Estes 1993/1999)

Like the Nyala, the Bushbuck is mainly active at night - so again, not usual to spot in the daytime - though these two were hanging around a tea room and were completely unphased by human activity - I'm guessing they probably were used to handouts.

And then we have this rather elegant lot... the Kudu - the second tallest antelope - they can stand up to 150 cm tall and they have the most spectacular horns . They also have the most amazing leap. One, which we disturbed whilst driving, bounded across the road in a single jump, doing the most remarkable kick with it's back legs. Oh if only I'd had the camera at the ready!

See me, see you

Pretty Poser

Grazing and browsing

Grazing applies to nibbling the grass, browsing applies to nibbling leaves on tree. Just so you know.

Female Kudu

The main man, with an imposing set of very beautiful horns.

I suppose I shouldn't say this, but kudu make terrific eating... In South Africa, kudu biltong (dried meat, like American jerky) and dried sausage, are hugely popular. Ask me, I know. Yes, yes, I ate one or some of them... Having "met" them, you have no idea how bad I know feel!

The next post will be the last in the Kruger Park - and I'll tell you about the Kruger's "fast food" - the other antelope not present in this post...

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