Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bo Peep and a weirdly, randomly meme

Bo gets a visitor - no, this isn't a member of her family

Apologies for a being a tad absent at the moment, but life’s been a bit silly and the next stage of editing is beginning, which means I’m off with my head in a story. Meanwhile Operation Bo continues and when we last saw the family, they were down to two chicks – meaning another had disappeared overnight. We think the majority of the chicks were taken by the howling storm that hit the south western Cape on Tuesday night and lasted for two days. It was the worst storm in 30 years, had wind speeds that went right off the graph, and caused massive flooding and destruction. While the storm raged, Bo, much to her indignation, was kept indoors and today was the first day we moved the guinea pig pen, now the guinea fowl pen, outdoors and onto the grass. Although it didn’t stop her from trying to escape, she’s a much happier little bird for being outside. Meanwhile the old dog traveling cage, big enough to house a large Golden Retriever, has been pressed into service as the inside guinea house. It’s high enough to give her space to fly a bit and we’re trying to encourage her to use her wings. As an aside and working on a hunch, I’ve also discovered she’s particularly partial to freshly squished snail…and made a right piggy of herself guzzling it down. The plan is to release her as soon as she has her wings (the sparrowhawk’s forays into the garden notwithstanding) at a time when her family is here. By comparison to the two remaining chicks, Bo remains very small, but she is growing. D reminded me of a bulldog pup his mum bred some years ago – a runt, so tiny as to be pathetic, yet after a year he grew into the biggest bulldog they’d ever seen. I’m hoping Bo will make it to Guinea Queen!

Bo munches on a snail

Guineas aside, the lovely Val over at Monkeys on the Roof (do go and read her blog, it’s wonderful) has tagged me for the Seven Weird or Random Things About Me meme. I’ve been tagged for this once before and that chicken was “good enough” to do said meme. I guess this time I’m just going to have to answer it myself.

The idea is to reveal seven random and or weird things about myself. Hmm, I hope you’re up for this…

The rules are:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

So here goes nothin’…

1. I have met and embraced death and look forward to going home.

2. At the tender age of 47 I’m pleased to say I can still do the splits and can still get my forehead on the ground while sitting with my legs stretched out to the sides.

3. I’ve had two close encounters with leopards in the wild.

4. I’ve eaten a wide variety of weird and wonderful things from elephant to giraffe, mopani worms to snails, frogs’ legs to snake, crocodile to shark.

5. I weigh the same now as I did at 23 years ago – which I figure isn’t too bad.

6. I wrote my first play when I was eight and charged the neighbourhood kids 5 cents to watch it. It was set on rollerskates, thus predating Starlight Express by several years. Performed on our back porch, it ran for precisely one day.

7. I have travelled most of the world, though strangely have never been to the USA.

Now, to tagging… I tag:

Lori Ann

Oh go on, ya know you wanna… :-)

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