Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Haiku Celebrations

I'll say this, I tried to pay as little attention the US election campaign as possible. When I felt I needed any kind of vague idea, I referred to D, who as an ex political theorist, was paying close attention to what was going on. I went to bed last night totally confident Obama would win. And whoohooo!!! he did! Well done America and thank you, Americans. See, "yes, you can!" I hope what we see before us is the dawning of a new era.

Given that I'm getting a sense of general elation across the news-waves and the ether, I figured it was time for some fun. The idea was helped along by Moonrat, over at Editorial Ass who has, over the past few days, been hosting a small competition. Moonie has been looking for haiku on any of the following topics:

-delicious foodstuffs
-my boyfriend Michael Chabon
-other things

Erm, it wasn't until I looked now, when I went to retrieve Moonie's url that I noticed what the prize was - you can tell, can't you, that I wasn't doing this to win! It's just that I love haiku, it is such a crisp word form with it's 5 - 7- 5 syllable count, and Moonie's challenge that we make her pee in her pants with laughter - or do something really outstanding - was too good to pass up. You can read some of the entries here. It's also incumbent upon me to say that it's the Moonrat's blog's second anniversary and her fans are so adoring, they've set up a special Celebrating Moonrat Blog, for her. How's that for adoration!

Moonie's haiku competition is now closed (hey, what can I say, I'm having a slow week!), but here are my offerings (some are variations on a theme) and I challenge you, in the comments, to come up with a haiku of your own - if you want - on any of the topics listed above or on the US election victory. C'mon, we may as well all celebrate, play, have fun and party!


Tip back clear liquid,
Do handstand on couch and crash.
The story of gin!

Invincible drunk
Does handstand on couch and falls.
No more drinking gin!

Delicious Foodstuffs

Slithery salty,
Delicate mollusc glistens.
Oyster slips down – more!

To revive the chi
Salt and sea together fresh
Sushi is the best.

Dark nights, dark satin,
Wooing lover tempts, beckons.
Chocolate calls me.

Jewel bright colours…
Crisp candy coating reveals
Smarties’ secret heart.


Smelly sock lingers,
While washing machine hungers.
Laundry god calls “Come!”

Bright soapsuds bubble,
Smelly socks come sweetly clean.
Monday means laundry.

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