Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ABC Wednesday--B

 I guess I am establishing a pattern (no pun intended) of finding and posting a "sketch" of a quilt block for the letter of the week, and not getting the block made till the following week. Hopefully I will get caught up.

Today's sketches for the letter B:


The block was originally published in Quilter's Newsletter Magazine sometime in the 70s. Where Block Island might be, or what else it references, I do not know.

This one is a

It is one of fourteen blocks known by that name. The naming of quilt blocks is influenced by time and region. A block know by one name in one state in the late 1880s, might be called something else in another area in the 1930s.

This version of the Blazing Star was published in 1966 by Dolores Hinson in Quilter's Manual in the 60s.
Last week I posted a sketch of Anna's Block which I decided could as easily be called Anna's Star. Here is my block. I thought it would be easy. It wasn't difficult, but it did take some concentration, as I sewed some parts together pretty strangely trying to find a shortcut way of assembly.

ABC Wednesday Round 8 is at home here. Thanks Denise and all who help her keep it going and all those who participate.

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