Monday, January 24, 2011

Odd Shots will return on February 7

This thirsty little nun on my desk marked the beginning of Odd Shots on Monday three years ago, and the announcement of its one year hiatus last February.

Here she is again to announce that Odd Shots on Monday will return the first Monday of February, its anniversary. So keep your camera handy and start keeping an eye out for those odd angles, unusual occurences, and things that are just plain strange to look at. Post them on Mondays and link to the Linky that I will set up here.

So, what constitutes an Odd Shot? I'll give you some samples from my two years of weekly odd postings.

An odd shot could be something very ordinary taken at an odd angle that makes it a really cool picture.

It could be an odd combination of things that make you laugh.
It could be an unusual occurrence or sight.
 It could be any photo that defies categories or themes for other memes.

There may be other definitions, so this rule is open ended.
Okay, now that we have an idea about what makes an Odd Shot, here are the rules. 

1. I will post my favorite odd shot for the week sometime in the late afternoon of Sunday each week--approximately 3 p.m. Pacific Time. I will include one of the Linky services, which I will close at 3 p.m. Pacific Time on Tuesday.

2. Post only one odd shot each week.  It must be from your collection of photos you have taken, and can be from your past files or something new. It can be edited by cropping or correcting the brightness, but no fancy stuff, please.

The purpose of the rule is to make the shot a truly ODD one. For some purposes a post with a string of photos to tell a story is what works best. (I've done those kinds of posts, we all have.) But an odd shot is not a photo essay or photo story. It is something visual that is out of the ordinary.

Bend the one shot rule if necessary to clarify the shot. Limit additonal pictures to one or two that explain the Odd Shot. Bend the rule, but don't shatter it with a string of unrelated shots. If you have a wonderful story with a series of illustrations, mention or link it in your Odd Shot post but post it separately.

3. Here is the old Odd Shots badge created by David McMahon. It is the most recognizable of the ones we used in the two years of Odd Shots. You can copy it if you click on it to go to the image page, and save it to your computer to use in your post, or just use the html link to the image here:

<a href=" alt="" border="0" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5187302516590694418" src="" style="cursor: hand; float: left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" /></a>

So start scouring your files for Odd Shots. Get them ready for the grand reopening of Odd Shots on Monday--Monday February 7.

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